The answer is that it depends. Broadly, if one spouse has already received a gift or inheritance, it would be property in that person’s estate subject to potential distribution in the divorce. If a married person is named in a will as a beneficiary or someone has told...
Property Division
Connecticut: An all-property, equitable-distribution state
Many people approaching divorce are understandably concerned about how they will divide their wealth with their soon-to-be ex-spouses. Some do not want to split up family businesses, while others cannot imagine being without heirlooms, collections or memory-filled...
How Connecticut judges approach carried interests in divorce
Carried-interest payments can be a lucrative source of wealth for a Connecticut family. As such, in divorce proceedings in which one or both spouses have been successful in meeting professional goals that triggered significant carried-interest payouts, both litigants...
Spouse’s financial disclosures seem off? Consider a forensic accounting
In a Connecticut divorce, litigants must file with the court a sworn, comprehensive financial disclosure statement. One spouse may be surprised to see on the other declaring a lower account balance than presumed, failing to include expected assets, or claiming...
A qualified, solid property valuation expert is crucial in CT divorce
Divorce litigants often disagree on many things, but the valuation of major assets in the marital estate is a common cause of conflict. Of course, a variety of factors contribute to the complexity of assigning fair values, including the complexity of an asset (like...
Active or passive asset appreciation in Connecticut divorce
Equitable distribution of property in a Connecticut divorce may become more complex when an asset has actively or passively appreciated in value. Related issues in Connecticut dissolution diverge from those in many other states because of the unique nature of property...
Connecticut divorce: Vintage vehicles and the marital estate
Everyone has heard about Jay Leno’s amazing, extensive classic-car collection. But Connecticut has its own prominent heritage-car collectors, including Wayne Carini and Herb Chambers. Private parties in our state also amass impressive collections of vintage or luxury...
When is a trust a marital asset subject to division in divorce?
Is a trust a “mere expectancy” as it pertains to classification of potential property interests as marital or nonmarital? If an interest is sufficiently certain and concrete, it is marital property subject to equitable distribution between divorcing litigants. If the...
Accounting for copyright interests in Connecticut divorces
Norman Lear. Charles Edward Ives. Annie Leibovitz. Michael Bolton. Stephenie Meyer. Connecticut has no shortage of accomplished artists, writers, musicians, architects, playwrights, photographers, songwriters and other creatives. And when they produce artistic works,...
A deep dive into dissipation of marital assets
Sometimes when a marriage breaks down, one spouse may unreasonably dissipate, squander or misuse marital funds or other marital assets. The actions may result in difficulties, including litigation in the division of marital property in a divorce. Legal restraint on...